CBD Drip Gold Review

CBD Drip Gold Review

Posted by Christian on 26th Apr 2023

CBD Drip Gold is derived from the industrial hemp plant, not to be confused with the Marijuana plant. It contains 14.5mg of CBD (in a 7ml bottle).

CBD Drip Gold comes in great packaging and is contained in a thick glass bottle with a frosted white effect. The bottle has a cap with a built in dripper that makes it convenient for getting the right amount of liquid from the bottle. It smells like sweet palm oil and is a bit yellow from the CBD oil.

Unlike popular belief, CBD Drip cannot get you high because CBD is different than THC (Marijuanna). Being a non-psychoactive member of the cannabis family, CBD should not make the user high.

CBD is not to be confused with THC. THC is the key compound in the cannabis plant that carries the intoxicating, mind-altering effects of marijuana.

CBD Drip Gold

CBD DRIP Gold actually offers natural protection from the effects of THC. As opposed to the mind altering psychoactive effects of THC, such as drowsiness and paranoia, CBD has been known to increase alertness and sensitivity in some strains. It can possibly negate THC effects and provides a relaxing effect that relieves stress and anxiety.

CBD Drip Gold is known to affect the 5-HT1A receptor which is a minor component in several areas of the body, one of which being the cerebral cortex. Once activated, this portion of your brain has the potential to boost sociability by decreasing your blood pressure and heart rate via your central nervous system. This can result in an increase in comfortability as muscles start to relax. CBD is safe and simply calms you down and makes you feel great as you relax.

One of the biggest observation about the CBD Drip Gold is that it makes bigger clouds with more volume than other products. Be careful with the bottle however, as it is known to shatter easily if dropped.

CBD oil is a great way to relax, and with CBD Drip, it can be used in your vaporizer or combined with your choice of e-liquid.